The 35th Annual Marchand Open, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Erich Marchand, took place on 23-24th March at the Strong National Museum of Play, One Manhattan Square, Rochester, New York. Dr. Erich Marchand "requested that his friends play chess in his memory".
Portrait of Dr. Erich Watkinson Marchand displayed at the Rochester Chess Center |
The event was played over 5 rounds of the Swiss system (G/120;d5) and in four sections: Open, U1800, U1400 and U1000. There were148 participants. There was a strong showing of strength with several IMs and GMs in attendance. The huge field created big groups of players tied with the same score.
$10,750 in guaranteed prizes were awarded. Full standings below.
Chess players Guy Fuhrman (left) and Ben Chernjavsky (right) show off their hats |
In the Open section, IM Bryan Smith and GM Mikheil Kekelidze shared 1st place with 4.5 points. Matt Parry, GM Zviad Izoria and GM Eugene Perelshteyn tied for 2nd place with 4 points. Matt Slomksi, Felix Yang, Nick Panico III, James Hiltunen, Barry Davis and Jose Fernandez shared the U2200 prize with 3 points. Richard Motroni and Derek Linton shared the U2000 prize with 3 points. The Open section awarded 120 Enhanced Grand Prix Points and was FIDE Rated.
Here is the first round game of David Phelps (white) vs GM Mikheil Kekelidze (black):
Round 1
Board 1 (front): GM Zviad Izoria vs Eric Luce
Board 2: David Phelps vs GM Mikheil Kekelidze |
Round 1
Spectators watch intense game between local player David Phelps and GM Mikheil Kekelidze
Board 2: David Phelps vs GM Mikheil Kekelidze
Board 3 (front): Erik Lubas vs IM Bryan Smith |
In the U1800 section, Webster Kehoe took first place with 4.5 points. Warren Lohr, Kevin Roulhac, Owen Shriver, Connor Wagner and Patrick Robinson shared 2nd place with 4 points. The U1600 prize was won by Aasa Dommalapati with 3.5 points. Shebaperi Brewster, Mike Trent, Sam Cherin and Chris Bieniek shared 2nd place with 3 points.
In the U1400 section, Matthew Rzeznik took first place with 4.5 points. Steve Baer, David Markakis and Robert Pruden shared 2nd place with 4 points. The U1200 prize was won by Anoop Sunkara with 3.5 points. Tim Keane, Stephen Hedges, Geof Williams, Joshua Benham and Michael Mc Duffie shared 2nd place with 3 points.
In the U1000 section, Calvin Moulton took first place with 4.5 points. Griffen Hess, Pahz Cherelin and Eric Coltrain shared 2nd place with 4 points. The U800 prize was won by Alexander Chernjavsky with 3.5 points. Keith Kolacyzk, Arjun Patel, Zackary Bodack, Michael Gorczyca and Kristen Lehner shared 2nd place with 3 points.
Here is the fourth round game of Calvin Moulton (white) vs Pahz Cherelin (black):
A recent Front Page photo from the Gates-Chili Post, New York.
Calvin Moulton concentrates before he makes his move. Calvin
went on to take first place in the U1000 section with 4.5 points.
Above photo is Copyright of the Gates-Chili Post. |
There were monetary prizes given. In the Open section: $2000-1300-850-550-300; U2200 & U2000 each $500-300. In the U1800 section: $600-400-250; U1600: $400-250. In the U1400 section: $400-275-175; U1200: $275-175. In the U1000 section: $260-190-130-70; U800: $150-90-60.
An astounding 148 players participated. Besides the local players and a large contingent from Buffalo New York, the tournament had participants representing several countries including Laszlo Tapaszto from Caracas Venezuela and Jamshed Ahmed from Pakistan.
The tournament organizer was Ron Lohrman of the Rochester Chess Center. The tournament director was Ken McBride.
Tournament Organizer Ron Lohrman does a great job promoting chess |
Buffalo chess player Michael Mc Duffie (left) and tournament director Ken McBride (right)
take a break between rounds of the Marchand chess tournament |
Don Stubblebine |
Doug Spencer |
Jamshed Ahmed |
Aasa Dommalapati |
Martha Samadashvili |
Alexis Schlaak |
Pranav Venkataraman |
James Hiltunen (left) and Tony Badamo (right) |
Peter Carter (left) and Daniel Pike (right) |
Connor Wagner (left) and Matt McMahon (right) |
James Attaya (left) and Adam DeSantis aka "Mr. Chess" (right) playing a skittles game |
Life Master Matt Parry (left) and Candidate Master Barry Davis (right) |
Theodore Chapman (left) and Peter Carter (right) |
Matt McMahon (left) and Bob Wagner (right) |
Peter Agok (left) and Chris Bieniek (right) |
Sam Cherin (left) and Owen Shriver (right) |
David Campbell (left) and Beatriz Marinello (right) |
Tom Warner (left) and Laszlo Tapaszto (right) |
John Johnson (left) and Michael Mc Duffie (right) |
IM Bryan Smith won the fourth round game against William Fisher
William Fisher (left) and IM Bryan Smith (right) |
This game ended in a draw in the last round
GM Zviad Izoria (left) and IM Bryan Smith (right) |
The complete tournament cross table can be found at the link below:
The complete tournament cross table can be found at the link below:
Submitted by Mike Lionti, Rochester Community Chess Club
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