Dr. Farley Memorial XXVII Chess League
The Monday Night Summer Chess League begins
July 10th
The league runs for 10 weeks on Monday nights.
Teams are forming. Sign-up at the Chess Center.
Time Control: G/90d5
Time Control: G/90d5
Call 585-442-2430 for Info. Register by 6:30pm 7/10/17
Note: The start date was changed from 6/26/17 to 7/10/17.
Note: The start date was changed from 6/26/17 to 7/10/17.
Daniel Johnston
for his win against Grand Master Pavel Blatny
in the Wisconsin International Chess Festival tournament
this past weekend. Click on this text for a link to the tournament.
Daniel scored 5 out of 9 and with a post-tournament USCF rating of 2223.
Some photos from the Saturday Open Tournament
at the Chess Center - June 24, 2017
Richard Motroni (left) looks at his options during his game with Howard Decker. |
Pranav Senthil Kumar (left) anticipates being put in check by his opponent Daniel Johnston. |

Eligibility: CCCR members who have played a minimum of 10 games between Nov. 9, 2016 and Sept. 27, 2017 on separate Wednesday nights qualify to enter. The championship tournament is a lot of fun with great prizes. It is the second largest annual tournament in Rochester.
Get your games in to be eligible to participate!
July 12th
The annual Rochester Chess Center Picnic will be held at Mendon Ponds Park, East Lodge on Wednesday, July 12th. Though we hope everyone attends the picnic, we will also still have the regular Community Chess Club games (G/80 d5) at 7:30pm at the Chess Center on Wednesday evening. Many folks choose to go to the picnic for a while in the afternoon, and then go to the chess center in the evening for a rated game at 7:30pm. Try to do both, or at least the picnic! It's is great to see everyone and enjoy the fresh air.Picnic Directions & Details: Go South on Clover Street, cross Thruway, enter the park (turn left) at the first entrance, East Lodge is 1/2 mile on the left. Lodge is open at 1:00 pm. Fires will be stoked up at 5:30 pm. Rain or shine, the lodge will be fine. The Rochester Chess Center will also provide the chess sets, soft drinks, plates, plastic ware, charcoal and condiments. Chess sets will also be provided for unrated chess games. You bring your own food to grill and any sports equipment. This is a communal event, so please bring a dish to share: Last name A to M please bring a salad to pass, N to Z please bring a dessert to pass. Everyone is welcome, $5 per person... $15 max per family. Picnic is free to Rochester Chess Center members and their families.

Chess Camp is available to students age 5-13 years. All skill levels from beginner to advanced are encouraged to attend. Beginners who arrive without any knowledge of the game will become proficient players from their camp experience; advanced players benefit from sharing classes and experience with some of the top scholastic players in the USA.
Because this is our 26th year of offering camps, our counselors are among the most experienced chess teachers found anywhere. We coordinate daily activities and instruction to expand the student's chess skills. Chess is known to teach logic, problem solving, analysis techniques, and will improve study habits. These skills have obvious carry-over benefits to schooling and career. But, the main reason kids come back to our chess camps year after year is because...
Rochester Chess Center is located near Cobbs Hill Park, at 221 Norris Drive. There will be daily outings to the park for seasonal activities (Frisbee, soccer, hiking)... so dress for outdoor action.
Summer Camp Dates:
Week 1 July 5-7 (3 day week)
Week 2 July 10-14
Week 3 July 17-21
Week 4 July 24-28
Week 5 July 31 - Aug 4
Week 6 Aug 7-11
Week 7 Aug 14-18
Week 8 Aug 21-25
Week 9 Aug 28-Sep 1
Send your deposit (1/2 of the camp fee) to reserve a spot. Single days are allowed. Call Ken or Ron to register 442-2430 and mail your deposit to: Rochester Chess Center, 221 Norris Drive, Rochester, NY 14610
Fee: $54.00 per day, or $215 per 5 day week
Chess Center Members please apply your
30% discount to the above fees:
1 day $38 5 day week $150
Hope you're coming to Chess Camp...
Your friends will be here!!
We allow for early drop-off (as early as 8am) and late pick-up (as late at 5:30pm) at no extra cost!
A Typical Day:
9:00-10:00 AM CHESS PLAY
Ches Camp Registration Form
Call Ron or Ken to reserve spot (585) 442-2430 and mail payment favoring: Rochester Chess Center, 221 Norris Drive, Rochester, NY 14610
Child's Name_______________________ Birth Date __/__/__
Address_______________________________ Phone_____________
City____________________________ Zip___________
Please enroll me into the following days/weeks___________________
Enclosed Deposit (50% of fee)_________ Check payable to "Rochester Chess Center"
Pay by Credit Card: Card #______________________ Exp. Date __/__/__
Also required: C.C. Statement send to: Street #_________________ Zip Code______ CVV:______ Signature_____________________________