SUMMER Chess Camp at the Rochester Chess Center!
Scroll down for more information, or call 585-442-2430.
Chess Club meets
Monday, July 18
- 8:00pm
the Chili Library
August 15th
we will award the Club Champion Medal and start a new ladder. There
will be a special, one time only, second place prize too.
the new ladder everyone starts with a rating of 800.
beauty of a move lies not in its appearance but in the thought behind
it.” – Aaron Nimzowitsch
for the Chili Public Library Chess Club
Be respectful of other players and the instructor. You are here to play and learn about chess. All players will be expected to follow the Chili Public Library’s Code of Conduct. Members that do not follow the rules will be asked to leave.
There should never be running, horseplay or loud voices during Chess Club.
This club is for children up to age 18. Parents, grandparents, and guardians of members are welcome to stay and help with the chess club if possible.
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult in the library. No exceptions. Parents of older children must leave a cell phone number, or telephone number where they can be reached, if they leave the library. All members must sign in and provide this information at every meeting.
All snacks and drinks are optional, and care should be taken around the chess sets. The library is not responsible for monitoring food for allergies, etc. Concerned parents should stay to ensure that your child does not eat a forbidden food.

Update: The Summer chess league is now in-progress.
There are one or two openings on board 5. Call 585-442-2430 to inquire.
The Farley Memorial XXIII Summer Chess League begins Monday night, June 20th. Please register by 6:30pm at the Rochester Chess Center. This is a G/90 d5 single or double round-robin team event which runs for about 10 weeks. Contact the chess center at 585-442-2430 for more information.

The annual CHESS CLUB PICNIC sponsor by the Rochester Chess Center will be held at Mendon Ponds Park on Wednesday, July 6th. Though we hope everyone attends the picnic, we will also still have the regular Community Chess Club games (G/80 d5) at 7:30pm at the Chess Center. Many folks choose to go to the picnic for a while in the afternoon, and then go to the chess center in the evening for a rated game. Try do do both, or at least the picnic! At the park, the chess center will provide boards, sets and clocks for unrated games. More information about the picnic will be found on the flyer at the chess center. It is free for Chess Center members, and a small fee for non-members.

The Chess Center's summer camps begin in July and continue into early September. Scroll down in this post to see the chess camp flyer.
The Community Chess Club of Rochester's
3rd Annual Simultaneous Results:
Reggie Houston congratulates Clif Kharroubi for a game well played. |
Logan and Tyler Canfield wait for Clif to return so they can play a move. |
Jan Tarwid congratulates Clif Kharroubi for his win. |
Clif Kharroubi makes his move against Jim Attaya. |
The Chess Simul with Clif Kharroubi took place Thursday night June 16th, 2016 at the Rochester Chess Center. The games were underway by 6:05. The last game finished around 9:15pm. Twenty three people participated. Clif had 14 wins, 4 draws, and 5 losses. The Community Chess Club provided free pizza, cookies and other snacks and beverages to the participants and the large group of spectators who attended this special annual event. Here is a link to the online photo gallery. It has photos taken during the event and also copies of many games score sheets:
Harper and Lawton Teegardin look over their games while their grandmother watches from a distance. |
The players who had a draw with Clif were: Jim Trowbridge, Brian Jesse, Mike Gorman and Don Stubblebine. The players who won their game with Clif were: Matt Slomski, David Phelps, Jonah Green, Pranav Senthil Kumar and Tanush Senthil Kumar. Prizes will be handed out next week. Those with draws will get a hardcover score book. Those who won will get a chess video DVD of their choice. Clif's prize will be $50 (base prize) plus a $15 bonus prize, for a total of $65. Clif will also be awarded a certificate commemorating this year's chess simul event.
Chess Simul at 7:20 pm June 22nd.
Cake and Cookies will be provided.
Please join us!

A Chess Simul with
Clif Kharroubi
(USCF rating 2132)
will be held tonight at 6pm (June 16th)
Pizza, snacks, soft drinks & coffee will
be provided at 5:30 pm to participants and spectators.
We hope you will join us for this special event!
Announcing the 3rd Annual
Community Chess Club Simultaneous
with Clif Kharroubi
our 2015 chess club champion!
our 2015 chess club champion!
Clif Kharroubi 2015 Community Chess Club Champion |
Our 3rd Annual Chess Simultanous
is coming up on THURSDAY evening
June 16, 2016.
Please join us for pizza & beverages.
We will still have our regular chess games
on June 15th - but, don't forget that the
Simul is on THURSDAY.
We hope to see you there as a participant
or as a spectator.
Registration can be done at the Chess Center.
Payment is required with registration.
Spectators & Visitors are welcome!
The pizza & beverages will arrive at ~5:30pm
and the simultaneous will begin at ~6:00pm.
There are still a few seats available, so plan to sign up soon!
There is an Simul overflow list
for any last-minute player cancellations.
Important Schedule Update:
There will be no Rochester Chess Center Saturday Youth & Adult Tournament on Saturday, June 11th. We will instead be at the Can-Am in Buffalo, and we encourage everyone to come and be a part of this excellent event!
The Chess Center van will be going Saturday morning and staying overnight, then returning Sunday. Sign up at the chess center to ride along in the van, share a room at a hotel and submit your entry fee. Ron and Ken will be running the tournament. We hope to see you there!

Information about Summer Chess Camps!
Upcoming Events in NYS:
Scholastic Year End Challenge
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Bishop Timon/St. Jude HS, 601 McKinley Parkway, Buffalo, NY
Can-Am Tourney
Saturday, June 10-12, 2016
The Rochester Chess Center is taking sign-ups.
Here is the USCF online TLA:
The Rochester Chess Center is taking sign-ups.
Here is the USCF online TLA:
JUNE 10-12 Can-Am International Chess Tournament
5SS; G/115 d5. Wick Student Center, 4380 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14226. $10,500 guaranteed prize fund in 4 sections; Open [FIDE rated]: $1500, 1000, 700, 500, 300; U2000: $1100, 800, 550, 350, 200; U1700:$1000, 700, 500, 250, 150; U1400: $350, 250, 150, 100, 50. Unrated limited to 3rd place prize in their section. EF [by June 3]: Open - $75, U2000 - $65, U1700 - $60, U1400 - $50. After June 3, add $10 each section. Cash only on site. Early Canadian entries at par. GM’s free entry. On-site registration Sat. 8:30 - 9:30 am. Registrants after 9:30 Sat. must take a 1/2 point bye 1st round. Rounds at: Saturday 10:00; 2:30; 7:00Sunday: 10:00; 2:30; 1/2 point byes available for rounds 1, 2, 3, and, 4, if requested prior to round 2 (limit of 2 byes). US Chess membership required. FIDE rules apply to Open section, all other sections, US Chess Official Rules, 6th ed. in effect. Must use highest of US Chess, FIDE or CFC rating & US Chess ‘back’ rating if renewing. Friday 6:00 pm blindfold-simul event with Grandmaster Robert Hungaski – 6 boards, spectators welcome. Accommodation, direction and registration information at Bring sets and clocks; none provided.
Here is the official flyer:
Here is a Scholastic Tournament coming up soon!
Weekly Events at the Chess Center
Every Saturday - Chess Center Youth Tournament 10am-1pm, Great way to start out and play, Multiple rounds, USCF-rated (optional): G/30d5
Every Saturday - Chess Center Adult Tournament 2pm-8pm, 3-rounds, USCF-rated games: G/60d5, Register by 1:45pm
Nearly every Monday - Chess Center League 7pm-10pm, One USCF-rated game: G/90d5
Every Wednesday Night at 7:30pm - Community Chess Club, Register by 7:15pm, One USCF-rated game: G/80d5
The Chess Center is not open on Sundays, except for private lessons.